What to Say On Your Website Homepage


One of the most difficult but important parts of copy that you need to write on your website is what to say on your homepage.

Your homepage is the first point of contact with your customers and leaves a lasting impression with them. Crafting a homepage that is strong, easy to understand, and unique can be hard at first, which is why I am here to help!

In this post, I’ll be walking you through the 4 points of copy that NEED to be included on the homepage of your website in order to connect with your customers and make sales!

Identify Your Customer and Their Specific Problem

You want to sit down and first identify who your customer is and what they're having trouble with (that your business solves). You need to keep in mind throughout the entire process of creating your brand that your company (or you) are not the hero of the story; the customer is.

This being said, you'll want to think about your business from the perspective of your customer. They have a problem and they need your business to solve it.

Get specific on the details of what your customer’s problem is.  Maybe you are a photographer, and your couple is really nervous about feeling awkward in their photos. Or perhaps you are a baker, and your customer is looking for vegan alternatives for amazing sweets that their non-vegan friends get to eat.

With that problem, you want to empathize with your customer near the top of your homepage, to connect with their feelings and help them feel seen.  When people feel like they are being understood FIRST, then they’ll continue to listen to what you have to say.

Introduce Your Business and Walk Them Through Your Solution

After you address what your customer’s problem is, you want to slowly bring them into your business’s story and how you can solve that problem for them.

Again, it's very important to make sure that the customer is the focus of the story. Don't talk too much about how amazing your services are, or how many years you've been doing this. Although those are great points to make, you want to continue to redirect the attention back to the customer.

When giving your customer a solution, make sure that you're empathizing with their feelings and really bring them into the vision of what life will look like when your solution is implemented. 

For that nervous couple, you can talk about having sessions that are more fun and exciting than awkward, through your use of a custom music playlist with their favorite songs. For the vegan customer, you can talk about how desserts aren't just for non-vegans; you have a wide variety of desserts that are just as tasty and fulfill any needs that they may have for sweets.

Here, you can also talk a little bit about the experience the customer may have with your company, to quickly answer any questions they may have about your business.  The most important thing to remember is KEEP IT SIMPLE - if it takes too long to understand your solution, you’ve lost the customer’s attention.

Backup Your Solution with Proof

It's really important to build trust with customers, especially ones that may be visiting your site or platform for the first time.

After you have brought the customer into the story and introduced them to a solution to their problem, you want to back up your solution with actual proof.

This looks different for every business. That might be personal testimonials, or reviews of products, or maybe even specific results from past clients or customers.

DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP.  Although it may feel like you are already established, as people can read reviews or hear from other people about your amazing business, these current customers might not have seen that.  You really want to make sure that they fully understand how much you can help them.

Make sure to also provide as much as possible in forms of proof.  If you just have 1 review or 1 client result, a customer is less likely to believe that you will be able to replicate the same results for them.

Finish It Off with a Call to Action

Lastly, you want to finish off your brand message with an immediate call to action. This is not a time to put “learn more” or “read here to see the experience.”  You want the customer to take an actionable step towards the solution that will help them get rid of their problems.

Use language like “buy now”, “don't miss this offer”, “book your dream wedding day,” etc to invoke a sense of urgency in your customer.  You’ve walked them slowly through your entire solution to their problem, so the only thing left to do now is for them to buy into that solution!

Keep this step VERY SIMPLE - leave lots of space and remove any distracting elements that might cause the customer to not continue on with the call to action.  You want your customer to focus in and complete the entire process, instead of stopping at the most important part.

Creating a homepage can be a hard task, so I would recommend walking through the steps above slowly while you map out your homepage. This way, you are completely CLEAR on what to be communicating with your customers about, and you don’t get distracted about what you need to be saying.

If you liked this post, you should check out my post 3 Sections You Need on Your Website’s About Page to continue improving your website experience!


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