3 Sections You Need on Your Website’s About Page


Did you know that your “About” page on your website is not actually supposed to be all about YOU?

Listen up. There’s been a HUGE wave of people saying to “include your personality in your business” and “share more about YOU!” And while I totally agree with that, you also need to remember that this business isn’t about YOU - it’s about your customers!

If your website’s “About” page is talking more about you and your random favorite things in life, then you aren’t truly serving your customers and answering the questions that they have.

That being said, here are 3 things that your about page SHOULD cover:


Your customers DO connect better when seeing another person behind a business, so it is important to include a small snippet about yourself on your about page.

Instead of focusing on random facts (like your favorite food, color, and restaurant), provide information that you would actually share when meeting someone new, then talk about your background with your business. This provides substance to you as well as helps display proof of your expertise in the field you are representing.

Example: As a web developer of 6 years, I naturally became fascinated with the world of web design and data algorithms, all things relevant to building an online presence. Since I started my own small business at the same time as I entered the technical online world as a web developer, I have gained the extremely unique perspective of understanding the balance of good design from an online standpoint AS WELL as a creative standpoint!


People LOVE when business owners are actually passionate about what they do - so share that information. Talk about the way that your business serves others makes you excited, and even the reason behind why you do what you do. Your enthusiasm will be echoed by your customers and get them excited about your business.

Example: One thing that I love being able to bring to the small business industry is a complete understanding of the background of everything online/data-oriented, instead of being someone who just makes things “look pretty.” When you work with me, whether in design or my DIY tools, I help you understand the reason behind EACH decision and how it positively affects your customer’s experience.


Ultimately, your about page needs to reflect how you can help your customer. Tell a story, connect to your customer's problems, and give a specific, step by step guide on how your business can solve their problems. And then share how they will feel/life will look after working with you/buying from you. Remember, each page of your website should provide value to your customer - even something as simple as your about page!⁣


What I Do For You:

  • Provide you a branding solution AND strategy to help you communicate with your customers effectively.

  • Guide you towards a website design that looks beautiful AND is loved by both your customers AND Google.

  • Help you understand the complexities of SEO and ways you can EASILY integrate it into your systems.

  • Build you a website that is not overly expensive and teach you how to have complete ownership over any updates.

  • Give you confidence with your online presence to run smoothly and give you more freedom to work on what you are actually passionate about.

With these three tips implemented, you’ll be serving your customers and answering questions even before they need to be asked - something every person dreams of!⁣

My challenge to you? Go check your about page and make sure that you’re highlighting more about how your business can help your customers vs a long list of random facts about you!⁣


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