4 Essential Tips for Building a Successful Visual Brand
As a small business owner, it is SO essential to have a strong visual brand that conveys the right message to your ideal client.
Your visual brand should communicate the quality of your products and services, the mission and values of your business, and the personality and culture of your brand. But how in the world do you create the “perfect visual brand?”
Well today, I’m here to share with you 4 essential tips to help you build a visual brand that draw in your ideal clients.
First, consider the overall look and feel of your brand. You want your visual brand to be consistent and recognizable, while also having a unique style that will stand out from your competitors.
One pitfall that business owners fall into often is trying to keep up with trends, or not paying attention to the different visual pieces that you are creating. You want your customers to be able to see a post and KNOW that it’s you - so being consistent is KEY.
Spend lots of time thinking about the colors, fonts, imagery, and other elements that will be used in your branding materials. Make sure that your visual brand is visually appealing and reflective of your brand’s mission, values, and personality.
Second, make sure that the imagery you are putting out into the world is aligned with your brand’s personality.
Your visual brand should be communicating the quality of your products and services, the mission and values of your business, and the culture and personality of your brand - so you want to make sure that your imagery gives off the right vibe to your customers.
If you are a community-based business, make sure the images you use are always community-based, not just a bunch of solo shots. And this doesn’t mean you HAVE to use professional images all the time - sometimes, having more raw, iPhone imagery is aligned more with your personal brand!
Third, think about the audience that you are trying to reach. Your visual brand should be tailored to the interests and values of your ideal client - because your business does ultimately revolve around them buying into what you are selling!
Use visuals that are relevant to the audience that you are targeting and that will resonate with them in a meaningful way. I usually suggest that you do some research around the psychology behind different branding pieces, like colors/fonts/etc, to help narrow down a visual brand that your ideal client can connect with.
Finally, take the time to build a visual materials library.
Store your hex codes for your colors, your fonts, branding images, stock images, logos, etc in an easily accessible location for you to use across your various platforms.
For instance, I like to utilize my Canva Branding Kit because I’m ALWAYS creating with Canva and want what I am making on the platform to be truly representative of my brand. Plus, it will save you TONS of time trying to run down your branding content when you need it.
By considering these key factors, you can ensure that your visual brand is properly communicating the right message to your ideal client. A strong visual brand will help your small business stand out from the competition and build a positive relationship with your ideal client. So now’s the time to go out and build it!!!