How to Add a Blog Navigation Menu to Squarespace 7.1 Website


Picture this.  You hop onto your favorite business educator’s website because you missed their post a couple months ago on a topic you were super interested in.

You head to their blog and… BLANK.  There’s absolutely no navigation for you to find that article. 

You probably aren’t going to spend the next 15 minutes searching through their pages to find the post… right??

Here’s the deal:  If you have a blog on your website, then blog navigation is an easy and ESSENTIAL portion of your site that you need to include for your customers.

It’s one of the most looked over parts of designing your own website - so let’s fix that issue!

Today, I’m walking you through a quick and easy tutorial to add a navigation area to your blog on Squarespace 7.1 - so let’s jump into it!

  1. If you haven’t already, make sure that you have 3-6 main categories for your blog posts and have each post properly categorized.

  2. On the main blog page, click Add Section - and add a Blank Section.

  3. Hover over the right top corner of the section, and click the pencil icon to edit.

  4. Change the Section Height to custom size 10 and Content Width to L.

  5. Create a text box with the title Blog Categories.

  6. Create a new text box with the name of your first Blog Category.  Make that text a hyperlink.

  7. Under the link settings, navigate to Page and choose Blog.  Then choose the corresponding blog category under Categories.  Click Save.

  8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 with all categories you want displayed.  Click and drag the categories to be on one line in desktop view.

  9. Lastly, add a Search block that points to your blog, in case customers are looking for a specific post.

  10. You are done - make sure to save!


And BAM!  You have a super fast, easy web navigation for your customers to use!  Feel free to spruce it up to your heart’s desire - just make sure that it’s easy to access for your customers!


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