3 Ways to Use Facebook For Your Small Business
Facebook is dead, right?
Wrong!!! Although Facebook is not as hip and quick as other business marketing tools like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, Facebook can still be extremely helpful in growing your business.
If you are someone struggling with figuring out what in the world to do on Facebook to still serve your customers without pouring a large amount of time into the platform that you want to use for other platforms, then listen up.
Here are three different ways that you can use Facebook effectively for your business and actually begin to convert loyal customers through the platform.
Use video on Facebook
One thing that performs extremely well on Facebook is video.
Since Facebook is more of a long-form platform, video content is much more approachable to users that are scrolling on Facebook.
When users are on something like TikTok or Instagram, they are looking for instant gratification in a very fast-paced environment, so videos tend to be very short and succinct.
There are a few ways that you can use videos on Facebook for your business.
One way that you can easily reuse content on your Facebook is repurposing old Instagram posts and expanding on them through your Facebook page.
Creating a 3-minute video that expands a bit more on an Instagram post that you need for the day allows you to continue the conversation with loyal followers as well as provide a different format to get the same information out. Some people just aren't about reading, so providing a video format might be something more enjoyable for them to consume as a user.
Yes, I'm going to say it. Facebook Live.
Although going live is absolutely terrifying, it is also amazing for your business. I don't know if you've ever seen on the Facebook feed, but whenever someone is live, it is usually automatically pushed near the top of your feed.
Getting your Facebook content to show up on the feed is already hard enough as a business owner because of the algorithm (ugh), so using Facebook Live is extremely helpful and showing up in front of people who have already liked your page as well as showing that you are continuously providing helpful content. This is also a great way to interact with people who hop on and provide more of a conversation format, rather than just speaking at them.
Use Facebook groups
Facebook groups are an amazing way to grow your community for your business! There are a few ways that you can approach Facebook groups:
First, you can create a Facebook group that's free for your customers to encourage conversation and community underneath your brand. Having this free resource it's a great way for people to connect to, remember you, and to want to learn more from you.
If there is continuous engagement in your Facebook group, chances are your name is going to continue to show up on multiple people's feeds, and they will also recommend your group to other similar potential customers that are interested in your business.
Another great way to use Facebook groups is providing a private or subscription-based group. One business owner that does this well is Sydney Cummings. She provides a subscription-based Facebook group for her most loyal workout clients. Here, she has private videos content, nutritional information, speakers, etc. that truly help their customers. Plus, it is a free way to build a membership platform for your business!!!
If you don't want to go the paid route, another great way to build community is having already paying customers join a private Facebook group. This would consist of people that have bought your product/course/service. Here, you can continue the conversation with your clients, as these people have a something in common with each other (since they all bought from you), and it's also a great way for you to inform them a future offers that they may be interested in as well.
Image by Sydney Cummings on Facebook
Facebook Shopping
If you are a Commerce owner, then Facebook Shopping is something that you definitely want to hop onto. It also integrates with Instagram, which can be extremely helpful for your business.
Facebook shopping allows you to add your products to Facebook, where users can directly shop and purchase either from Facebook or directly linked to your website. This is just another great way to have your content more accessible to people – because who doesn't want to sell more!!!
Okay, have I convinced you that Facebook isn't dead? I would encourage you to take one of these approaches and run with it! Don't overwhelm yourself with trying to do everything at once - but build strong Facebook presents so that you can continue to be an industry leader on an accomplished platform.