How to Decide When It's Time to Update Your Brand

So you're scrolling on Instagram, and you see a fellow business owner excitedly announced their rebranding.

You instantly fall in love with their new logos and color palette, and there's a little voice in your mind that says, “Maybe it's time for me to do a rebrand…”.

But how do you know if that's just your internal jealousy speaking, or if it's really time for your brand to pivot and get a new, refreshed look that connects better with you and your customers?

Rebranding is a big decision that many businesses make at some point, so it's important that you don't make this choice lightly.

In this blog post, I'm going to walk you through how to decide if it is truly time for a rebrand, depending on what stage you are at in your business.

Let's get started!

You Are Still Using The Logos You Purchased Online (or Made for Free on Canva)

If you're in this category, chances are that you quickly started your business and needed some sort of logo and color palette to just get started. And that is totally fine!

In fact, this is what I usually recommend new business owners to do because it's more important for you to just start your business and understanding how to interact with your customers.

But chances are, if you're in this category, you probably also don't have a clear identified brand identity, brand strategy, and you just don't have logos that are going to stand out in the crowd.

I would recommend, if you are ready, work with a brand designer to build out a full brand strategy and look for your business. It's important that you not only have a couple cute logos and colors to use, but that you also build a brand story and message that equips you to effectively communicate with your potential customers.

A strong brand strategy is essential for a business to succeed. You have made it this far in the beginning of your business, so it's time to bring a professional in to help redesign your brand that you and your customers can connect with!

You Are No Longer Obsessed With Your Brand

It's important that you as a business owner believe strongly in your brand message and your brand look. If you cringe every time you look at your logos or your color palette, or you just don't feel like you have a good brand voice put together, it's probably time for a rebrand.

Getting a rebrand will make you want to shout from the rooftops about your business, which is kind of the point of being a business owner.

You don't want to be hiding your logo, not really sharing things within your color palette, even if it worked for you at some point in the past.

Work with a brand designer to build a brand that you will fall in love with, because chances are, your ideal customer will fall in love with it too.

And don't be afraid that you're going to lose your new clientele with a new brand look. People get excited about new things with you, so your customers will probably celebrate alongside you and it will also bring attention back to your brand when you announce your rebrand.

You Are Pivoting Your Business Offerings

If you are pivoting in what you offer as a business, whether it's completely doing a 180 and restructuring everything, or adding new services that will change how you work with customers, a rebrand can really help you and your customers along with this difficult transition.

What a rebrand will help you with is restructuring your business in your mind so you have a new brand message and strategy that you can focus on to bring to your customers. 

It can be really easy when you're pivoting to fall back on what your business used to do and say.  This can confuse customers and leave them stuck in the past of your business, instead of moving them forward to how your business can help them in new ways.

A rebrand will give you a new brand story and message to announce to your customers and help give them a clear, non-confusing understanding of what is changing about your business.

New colors or just a shift in colors, and a new logo will also help in mentally stamping in your customers’ minds that things are changing in your business... and for the better!

Whether you never really had a strong brand, really hate your brand, or are pivoting in your business, a rebrand can be something so exciting for both you and your customers to celebrate!

If you are considering a rebrand but aren't 100% sure if it's the right move, definitely reach out to fellow business owners and people that you trust to see if they agree that this is the right move for you.

And if you're going to rebrand, I always recommend working with a brand designer that helps you not only build a great logo and choose beautiful colors, but also helps you with your brand strategy and message so that you understand how to communicate and bring in your ideal clients.

If that's you, I would love to work with you on building a brand that helps you have confidence in your online voice and bring customers that will truly fall in love with your business!!


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How to Decide When It's Time to Update Your Website