3 Things to Look for in a Brand Designer for Your Small Business


So you are finally ready to invest in a professional brand designer for your business - but how do you find someone in a sea of amazing designers??

Last week, I talked all about how you can find a great website designer for your small business, so today we are focusing on brand design!

Brand design is definitely a LARGE market, and there are a ton of amazing designers out there, but it is important to find a designer that can truly help you and your business’s brand shine.

In this article, I will outline three things to look for in your search for a brand designer for your business.  Let’s get started!

Take A Close Look at the Designer’s Portfolio

First, and probably most obvious, you will want to make sure you take your time inspecting a brand designer’s portfolio before hiring them.

There is a TON of information you can get from a designer’s portfolio, including

  • Their general design vibe.  Even though a designer can create branding for totally different clients, there is usually a visual theme/look that is similar between each design.  Make sure to find a designer with MULTIPLE designs that you love!

  • What they usually include in design deliverables - you’ll want to make sure that a brand designer will provide the branding elements that you desire for your business.  Some brand designers focus mainly on logo creation, whereas others like incorporating different patterns, images, and other small details to help build your brand.

One thing to remember - they are usually designing alongside their client, so some design decisions won’t be 100% their own - that’s why I always recommend taking a look at their entire portfolio to get an overall idea of their “look.”

Look for a Designer that Doesn’t Just Provide Visual Branding

Visual branding is SO important in a brand designer - but that’s not all you should be looking for.

You will want to look for a brand designer that can also help you with your brand message and story.  Your brand is not something to look at - it’s an experience that you create between you and your customers.

An expert brand designer can help equip and teach you how to use both visual and non-visual branding elements to attract your customers and stand out in your market - so make sure to talk to potential designers about what exactly they provide in their design experience.

Look for a Designer Who Can Work in Your Budget and Timeline

Lastly, you will definitely want to look for a designer who can work within your budget and timeline.

If you are just starting out, I still TOTALLY recommend trying to work with a brand designer to work with you on crafting your brand!  There are TONS of brand new designers out there, usually lower priced, that are so excited to work with other new business owners and truly are talented :)

If you do choose to go with a newer designer, make sure that you communicate well with them and agree on expectations and deliverables - and have some grace, since they are pretty new at this!

Also, if there is a designer you are IN LOVE with, but they are completely booked up, either consider asking them for recommendations or to be put on a waiting list.

They probably know a TON of similar designers and could point you in the right direction - or you can just wait to work with them (since they are most likely worth waiting for).

Picking a brand designer can seem like a HUGE deal and somewhat overwhelming, but it is an essential part of setting up your business to look and feel more professional.

If you have any questions about brand design, let me know!  I love working with small business owners to equip you with a strong and unique brand, both visually and non-visually!


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