How to Add a Testimonial Slider to Squarespace 7.1 Website

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Here’s a little business secret: testimonials are one of the biggest factors in converting prospective customers into paying clients.

Like, before you have made a big purchase online, I’m sure you read thousands of reviews/testimonials to make sure it was worth your money, right?

These priceless quotes give readers an inside look into an experience working with you, specific details about how you helped them, and validates your role as an expert in the field!

That being said, making sure that your testimonials stand out on your website and are READABLE is so important!!!

But Squarespace makes it kind of tricky to do so.

That’s why I am going to walk you through exactly how you can use Squarespace 7.1 to create an AMAZING testimonial slideshow - with NO CSS/CODING INVOLVED!.  Follow these easy steps below!

  1. Under the Not Linked Section under Pages, click the + sign and choose a blog (choose any style).  Name that blog page Testimonials.

  2. Click into the Testimonials page.

  3. Click the + sign to create a new post.  Exit Edit Mode for the post.

  4. Click the three dots and Settings next to the new post.

  5. Click Options and scroll down to the Excerpt Section.  Here you can write the quote - make sure to also include who wrote the quote.  You can use font styling to change the size and layout of the quote.

  6. Click Content - Status - Published.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Repeat steps 3-7 for however many testimonials you have.

  9. Navigate to where you want to have your testimonial slideshow display.

  10. Add a new section and decide on the background/styling that you want for the section.

  11. Add a Carousel Summary block and select the Testimonials page you just created.

  12. Hide any primary and secondary data that you don’t need.

  13. Under Design, choose the max Number of Items and 1 for Items per Row.  Under Elements, make sure just Excerpt is selected.

  14. Save - and you’ve just made your Squarespace testimonial slider!


Even though this is a work around, it is an AMAZING way to easily display and manage testimonials on your website - you don’t have to make images that don’t resize properly on mobile with text, and you DON’T HAVE TO CODE!

I use these testimonials on all of my client’s sites because it is so professional looking and easy to use.  Go try it out now!


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